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Our Plagiarism Checker online at checks your texts for free.

Efficient algorithms for Plagiarism Checker makes the process accurate and of high quality.

Checking for plagiarism is pretty simple: just in a few clicks, you will find out how unique your text is. If there are similar texts on the Internet, Plagiarism Checker will find them. You can also find mistakes in your text with Spelling & Grammar Checker.

When you sign up, you will be able to check much more texts via our Free Plagiarism Checker Online.

New algorithm

Our service uses an improved algorithm for Plagiarism Check which checks texts using advanced technologies. Our recommendations will simplify your work with our service.

Texts our algorithm will not accept 😣 algorithm differs from other Plagiarism Checkers online tools which use methods of shingles. What are the results?

  • Bad-quality rewriting methods which include constant word replacement do not work anymore.
  • The percentage of plagiarism will remain high in comparison with the previous version.
  • Our service finds plagiarism even after rearrangements in word order and overall sentence structure.
  • Plagiarism Checker will not miss changed cases, tenses, etc. Text originality will remain the same.
  • Adding new words to the original text will not help to raise its originality. The service will highlight the fragments.

To sum up, our Free Plagiarism Checker online finds and highlights all plagiarized fragments correctly and accurately.

Texts our algorithm will accept ❤️

If you want your text to be 100% unique, you should make high quality rewriting.

  • Pay special attention to thickly highlighted fragments. Getting rid of them will help to raise text originality.
  • Deep rewriting is also extremely important: replacing original words with their synonyms, paraphrasing, etc.

We will make our algorithm even more accurate!
If you noticed unrelated links containing accidental similarities or the absence of links containing similarities with your texts, please contact our Support Team - [email protected] and paste the link your check results.