DocumentsPublic offer of the service: AI-Texter

Public offer of the service: AI-Texter

The date of the last update: 02.09.2024

Permanent references to the latest document versions:

User Agreement 1text.com (General Agreement): https://1text.com/user-agreement

1text.com Privacy and Cookies Policy (Policy): https://1text.com/privacy-policy

List of Services (annexure to the Agreement): https://1text.com/list-of-services

Public offer of the service: AI-Texter (the Offer) is an official offer by Modesco LLP that owns the Website (the Company) to a party (User) that intends to accept the rights and the obligations according to the Offer and meets the requirements by the Offer which are listed in the part “Terms and definitions”, study carefully all the terms of the Offer before performing the indicated actions, accept them fully and unconditionally by accepting the Offer on the conditions which are provided by the Offer.

According to the article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC of RF), the current document is a public offer. According to the article 438 of the CC of RF, the unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Offer is performing actions by User that are indicated in the Offer.


“Offer” – the current Offer of the service: AI-Texter, including all the annexures.

“Company” – Modesco Limited liability partnership (Modesco LLP), registration number 240440018332, addressed Kazakhstan, 050008, Almaty city, Bostandyk district, 52 Abai Avenue, office 802-9.

“User” – a party, a User of the Website scrupulously following the terms of the User Agreement 1text.com that has completed the process of the Registration and has an Account. The Offer is valid for those Users who have not completed the process of the Registration only partially, as much as the Service is available for Users without Registration.

“Website” – the website https://1text.com that the Company owns or uses.

“Service” – The service of the Website called “AI-Texter” (its functional meaning is described in the related part of the Offer) that the Company provides on the terms of the Offer and Agreement on the Service of the Website.

"Neurosymbol" – a special unit introduced by the Company, which is consumed when using the Service.

"Generated Content" – information generated by the Service using artificial intelligence technologies.

"Request" – text-based information, as well as audio or video information submitted by the User as a query to the Service.

The terms and definitions used in the text of the document and without explanation in the current part have the meaning that they got from the Agreement, the annexures, references to the latest versions of which are in the current document in case if there is no other interpretation by the document, at least they cave generally accepted meaning.


1.1. According to the Offer, the Company provides Users who accepted the Offer with Service on terms and conditions that are specified in the current Offer. And a User is to accept services and fulfill the other obligations listed in the Offer.

1.2. As the Offer is a Part of the Agreement, Parties are to follow the regulations of the Agreement in case they are not provided by the Offer specifically. Providing Users with the Service is proceeded according to the conditions specified in the current Offer, as for the part that is not regulated, it refers to the terms specified on the Website. Thus these conditions are the integral part of the Offer.

1.3. The Company has the right to change the Offer and its annexes that enter into force from the moment they are published on the Website and they don’t need any prior notification (approval, acceptance) of Users. New version of the Offer is both actual for new Users and Users that accepted the terms of the Offer before the changes.


2.1. As the Offer is an annexure to the Agreement, a User is considered to join the Offer fully (accept it) from the moment they joined the Agreement and is actual during all the time of the existence of the Account (considering all the changes made in the Offer by the Company during this time).


3.1. The Service provides Users with the following tools and capacities based on usage of the Artificial Intelligence (Neural network):

3.1.1. automatic replacement of words and phrases that are in the text information (Text) that the User entered in order to change Text and get a new Text with the increased uniqueness that are detected by the algorithms of the Company Website according to the terms of the Offer (Rewriter).

3.1.2.analysis of the text that the User entered to identify its author: whether the author of the Text is a human or it was generated by artificial intelligence. The author is defined by the algorithms of the Company Website according to the terms of the Offer (Detector).

3.1.3.creation of a Text with the help of the Service according to the parameters that the User set by the algorithms of the Company Website according to the terms of the Offer (Copywriter).

3.1.4.decoding (automatic conversion) of information from audio or video to the text form (text) by the algorithms of the Company Website according to the terms of the Offer (Decoder).

3.2. The Service is provided according to the terms that are indicated in the Offer and Agreement, as for the part that is not regulated, the terms that are on the Website page (including all the attached pages) : http://1text.com/agreement-neuro. Thus all these terms are an integral part of the Offer.


Rights and obligations of the Company:

4.1. The company is to:

4.1.1Act clearly and honestly without violations of the Ofer terms.

4.1.2Provide Users with the service “AI-Texter” according to the terms of the Offer.

4.1.3Perform the other duties listed in the offer and implemented by the law.

4.2. The company has the right to:

4.2.1. Change and complement the Service by modification or releasing new versions of the Service any time and for any reason including the one that meets the needs of the Users or needed for competition in order to follow the current law. The Company has the right to change the Service by adding or deleting parts of the Service without the necessity to agree these actions with Users.

4.2.2. Refuse to follow the terms of the Offer unilaterally in extrajudicial order according to terms of the Offer.

4.2.3. Fulfill the other rights provided by the Offer and implemented by the law.

Rights and obligations of the User:

4.3. The User is to:

4.3.1. Act clearly and honestly without violations of the Ofer terms.

4.3.2. Pay for usage of the Service in order and according to the terms provided by the relevant part of the Offer.

4.3.3. Use the Service strictly in order and according to the terms of the Offer and according to the functional purpose and cannot perform the actions to create derived objects of intellectual property.

4.3.4. Fulfill the other obligations provided by the Offer and implemented by the law.

4.4. The User has the right to:

4.4.1. Use the Service according to the terms of the Offer.

4.4.2. Fulfill the other rights provided by the Offer and implemented by the law.

4.5. The User agrees :

4.5.1. That before accepting the current Offer they fully studied the contents and/or the functions of the Service the access to the one is available to buy on the Website in the very moment and the contents and the functions meets fully the expectations of the Service and fully responds with the aims and tasks of the User they follow accepting the Offer. At the same time the User agrees that the Service can be changed and/or the access to iе can be limited by the Company anytime without agreement of the User.

4.5.2. That at the time they accept the Offer they are not mistaken (fully or partially) about the characteristics and functions of the Service, the other terms of the Offer, relationships of the parties, etc.

4.5.3. That the Service for using according to the Offer terms and limits is provided “as it is” according to the current Offer (if it is not provided by the Offer in different ways) including any documents , improvements and updates without limits. And the Company does not provide any guaranties or terms (direct ones or ones that are provided by the law and/or rules of business relations) relative to everything including integrability, proper quality and validity to perform particular tasks. The Company does not alsa guarantee that the Service does not contain any errors and will meet User’s requirements or that the Service will function properly when using other software and hardware at the same time. The Company does not guarantee and cannot guarantee the results that Users can get by using the Service. All the risks connected with the quality of work and efficiency of the Service are imposed on the User.

4.6 When using the Service, the User is prohibited from:

4.6.1. Using the Service for purposes that violate applicable law or the provisions of this Offer.

4.6.2. Submitting a Request or bypassing the Service’s restrictions to obtain information that contains:
- illegal and/or prohibited content;
- information containing advice on breaking the law, instructions, and guidelines on violating the rights of third parties;
- unethical or offensive information targeting individuals or categories of people;
- information inciting ethnic hatred, promoting hatred and/or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, social status, or other characteristics, defaming the honor, dignity, and/or business reputation of third parties;
- pornographic materials, including those involving minors;
- information that violates privacy rights, as well as other restricted-access information, including trade secrets, banking, tax, family, medical confidentiality, correspondence, etc.;
- information that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, branding rights, and/or other intellectual property rights of third parties.

4.6.3. Disrupting the normal operation of the Service, including bypassing established limits and usage quotas, restrictions on generating specific content, or taking any other actions that may lead to functional disruptions or violations of the rights and interests of the Company and third parties.

4.6.4. Using Generated Content for dishonest purposes, in particular, misleading third parties by presenting Generated Content as human-created where it is not implied or where there is a direct prohibition on using artificial intelligence technologies.

4.6.5. Creating products based on the Service that violate applicable law and the provisions of this Offer.


5.1. The Company provides the User with the service “AI-Texter' on the payment terms.

5.2. To use the paid functionality of the Service, the User must have a sufficient number of Neurosymbols.

5.3. The cost of Neurosymbols is set this way: 0,2 euros for 1 000 (one thousand) Neurosymbols.

5.4. The availability of Neurosymbols is to be proved by 100% (one hundred per cent) prepayment by the User for using the Services of the Company they chose.

5.5. The quantity of Neurosymbols when using the paid functions of the Service is spent according to the order and terms the Company Has set. The quantity of Neurosymbols that will be spent for using the Service depends on texts’ length processed by the Service and specified in the User’s Account right before launching the functions of the Service.

5.6. The Company has the right to change the terms of providing paid functions of the Service unilaterally and any time without prior notification of Users.


6.1. The Company provides the Service “as it is” without any hidden guaranties and promises that are not indicates in the Offer. The Company reserves the right to change the design and the code of the Service in its sole discretion without prior notification of Users.

6.2. The Company does not guarantee regarding the Service that:

  • all the errors and mistakes of the Service will be corrected;
  • the information and the services will be provided permanently and quickly, reliably and without errors;
  • the information that can be received from the Service is precise and reliable or will meet Users’ expectations and requirements.

6.3. The Company does not take responsibilities for material or non-material loss that can be caused to the User due to using or impossibility of using the Service.

6.4 The Company does not guarantee the generation of a response to a Request and/or the display of Generated Content in the Service, as well as the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of Generated Content.

6.5. The Company is not responsible for the content of the Generated Content. Generation is carried out entirely in automatic mode, and the Company does not verify the accuracy of the Generated Content.

6.6. The User is required to independently verify the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, and compliance with applicable law of the Generated Content before using it for their own purposes and/or before further distribution.

6.7. The content of the Generated Content does not represent the opinion of the Company or its employees and should not be interpreted as guidance or advice when making decisions or taking any actions.

6.8. The User is solely responsible for ensuring that the Request complies with applicable law and assumes all risks, including those related to the infringement of third-party rights, when using the Generated Content.

6.9. The Service may be used for reference and informational purposes and is not intended for establishing legally significant facts, confirming or refuting them, or for obtaining professional advice or expert opinions.

6.10. Generated Content is created using artificial intelligence technologies, and as such, Generated Content may completely or partially coincide with content generated (produced) in response to Requests from other Users or with information available in the public domain.

6.11. By using the Generated Content for their purposes, the User assumes all risks, including those related to the violation of third-party exclusive rights.

6.12. The User is solely responsible to third parties for actions related to the use of the Service, including the Generated Content as part of the User's final product.

6.13. All communications with authorities that mention the Company are subject to mandatory prior approval with the Company’s representatives.


7.1. The disputes regarding the Offer are resolved according to the order provided by the Agreement.


8.1. In case if one of the Parties cannot fulfill the obligations provided by the Offer partially or fully because of fires, natural disasters, wars, military actions of any characters, blockage, export or import ban, ban on the activity, national, industrial and other strikes, lockouts and other industrial strifes (excluding those ones that the Party relying on force majeure circumstances can prevent) and because of other circumstances of extraordinary and unexpected nature the date of fulfillment of these obligations is postponed for the time these circumstances act and its consequences are eliminated.

8.2. The Party that cannot fulfill the obligations due to force majeure circumstances is to notify the other Party in writing about the circumstances, the expected time of its duration and ending no later than 10 (ten) days from the moment the situation has arisen. The facts outlined in such notification must be confirmed by a certificate or statement issued by a competent state authority. Proper notification to the User in such cases includes, but is not limited to, placing a notice in the "News" section on the Website and sending an email to the address provided during registration.

8.3. If the impossibility to fulfill the obligations will last more than 3 (three) months, the Party that cannot fulfill the obligations anymore according to the terms of the Offer has the right to cancel it notifying the other Party at least 30 (thirty) days in advance and specify the date of canceling.


9.1. Regarding all the rest that is not regulated the terms of the current Offer the Parties comply with the Agreement and its annexes, the Law ofRF.

9.2. The declaration of any term of the Offer invalid or impossible to fulfill and its cancellation must not impact on all the other terms. And such invalid or impossible terms must be replaced by valid/possible and legally relevant terms that are maximally close by its economical contents, meaning and effect to the first version of the Offer.

9.3. The Parties agree that all the e-mail correspondence between the Parties during the fulfillment of the terms of the Offer has legal force and is considered as a part of the Offer, it also can be used as a written proof when resolving disputes.

9.3.1. Thus the User guarantees that only they can have access to registration data that were entered when Registering on the Website and that they follow all the necessary measures to prevent access of the third parties.

9.3.2. All the documents that are sent via email and phones (including messengers) are considered signed with a simple electronic digital signature and that they have a credible digital footprint of the Party-sender and are equal to the written document.

9.3.3. The Parties agreed on possibility of using facsimile signature by means of mechanical or other copying (facsimile signature) to exchange legally relevant documents within fulfillment of obligations of the Offer. The Parties agree that facsimile signature has the equal legal power like written signature.


If anything is left unclear in the text of this document, we will be glad to clarify its provisions.
Please contact us via the following email address: [email protected].