DocumentsList of Services

List of Services

Last updated: 01.07.2024

Referred documents:
1text.com User Agreement (Agreement):
1text.com Privacy and Cookies Policy (Policy):
List of Services (present List):

Present List of Services (List) provides information on the services rendered by the Modesco Limited liability partnership (Company) through the functionalities of the Website, as well as information and links to the documents regulating the use of such services by the Users (as defined below). The List is one of the annexures to the Agreement and it is an integral part of the Agreement.


In case any of the words used in the text of this document starts from the capital letter it shall be understood and interpreted in the way foreseen by the present section.

“Company” means Modesco Limited liability partnership, registration number 240440018332, addressed Kazakhstan, 050008, Almaty city, Bostandyk district, 52 Abai Avenue, office 802-98.
“User” means an individual holding the status of a Website User who has completed the Account Registration procedure that is foreseen by the General Agreement. For Users who have not completed the Account Registration process, this Offer Agreement applies to the extent of the available Services.
“Website” means a set of information, web forms, software and intellectual property objects (including computer programs, databases, Website Content and Services) accessed from the User's devices via special software for viewing web pages (browser) under the domain (or (sub)domain, if the domain name has a corresponding attribute) name: 1text.com (equal to http(s)://1text.com, with/without the "www" abbreviation), the exclusive rights and/or the right to use which belong to the Company.
“Service” means a technical functionality implemented by the Company on the Website in order to enable Users to perform actions that result in establishment legal relationships, to which the Company, the User and/or third parties may be parties, in the manner and on the terms provided for by the Agreement, its annexes, including this List, and also other documents, references to which are indicated in this List. All rights and obligations of Users and their counterparties regarding the use of the services rendered by the Company via the Website are regulated by the Agreement, and in the remaining part by documents which are listed in this document.

Terms and definitions in this document which have not been defined in this section shall be interpreted according to the Agreement (link is provided in this document above) and its annexures unless a different meaning is given to the term herein, and, as last resort, according to their generally accepted interpretation.


№ п/п Name Description Regulating Document Link
1. Text Uniqueness Text review for the plagiarism Public Offer Agreement for the Text Uniqueness Services https://https://1text.com/agreement-antiplagiat
2) SEO-Analysis Analysis of the User’s text in order to identify general descriptions, spamming and keys Public Offer Agreement for the SEO-Analysis Services https://1text.com/agreement-seo
3) Spell Check Review of the User’s text for errors and typos Public Offer Agreement for the Spell Check Services https://1text.com/agreement-spelling


№ п/п Name Description Regulating Document Link
1. Payments execution on the Website Ensuring the technical capacity of payments through the Website 1text.com Payment Rules https://1text.com/rules-of-payments


If anything is left unclear in the text of this document, we will be glad to clarify its provisions.
Please contact us via the following email address: [email protected].